
Renewal of Digital Signature (DSC)

Pre-Requisites before renewal of DSC

  • The application for renewal of the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) must be made 7 days prior to the expiry of your existing DSC.
  • New DSC USB Token must be purchased & ready in hand.
  • The old DSC & new DSC USB Token must be installed on your computer.
  • Shall apply for a new DSC with the same name as registered in the old DSC. Any change in the name would be treated as a fresh application of the new DSC. However change in address, email id, phone number is permitted.

Renewal is equal to Fresh Application

  • If your DSC is already expired, then you have to make a fresh application.
  • The renewal process is as same as obtaining the new DSC in the new USB token.
  • In other words, you cannot make use of expired DSC USB tokens if action was taken 7 days prior or later.
  • Hence, apply for a fresh (new) digital signature always to avoid complications.

our Support

If you wish to offer us the digital signature, then we can help you out for sure at the most affordable prices relatively. Click here to contact us.

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